The influence of the Internet on marketing
Since its beginnings, marketing has gone through different stages that have allowed it to evolve and cover more and more areas. Although it initially focused on showing the offer and the product, today it is the mechanism for creating a community around the brand. Its aim is for brands to become part of the user's life and to become a necessity for them.
And if we talk about the opportunities and possibilities that technology offers to digital marketing, they are immense. Moreover, one of the fundamental protagonists that has brought about this change is the Internet, which, thanks to it and the statistical data that it allows us to access, we can obtain absolute and precise results in real time.
In addition, another of the qualities of current marketing is that it encompasses all facets of the business model and in all of them it places the customer as the protagonist, whatever the business strategy used, the actions will be focused on them.
How technology influences marketing
Thanks to new technologies, the definition of the target becomes much more effective than in the past. Although part of this segmentation is done intuitively, it must be refined through studies, analysis of statistics and market movements. Data that digital tools can provide us with.
Marketing is becoming more effective, but also more complex, as it is necessary to know how to manage a large amount of data. However, we have seen how the evolution has brought good results, and has not only served large industrial companies, but also small and medium-sized companies, as this has been a step towards making themselves known beyond their own micro-environment, and to move widely throughout the extensive industrial sector.
Technology and the Internet have given us what we now call the website or blog, the essence of social networks and various media that open up a world of possibilities for us to grow and be prepared for the competition.
Kompass, a digital solution based on data marketing
Kompass offers innovative B2B information services that enable efficient business development. With more than 70 years of data expertise and a global presence, it has helped many companies in the industrial sector to win new customers both domestically and internationally by offering Smart Data, Business Intelligence and Digital Marketing solutions, a perfect combination to boost any Industrial B2B business.
Through data marketing –that is, using data to design sales strategies– with Kompass you can carry out prospecting actions for new qualified leads to feed your company's database.
Advantages of digital marketing over traditional marketing
The emergence and development of digital marketing brings us important advantages that we could not contemplate before:
Increasing geographical coverage
With the new technologies, there are no longer geographical limits to sell your products, but it also allows your products and/or services to be purchased from anywhere in the world.
Increasing temporary coverage
You are no longer bound to your working hours to offer your products. Thanks to the web the coverage is 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
Improve your corporate image
Digital marketing allows you to go beyond the traditional, it allows you to create a more dynamic and memorable image of your company.
Adapting to new technologies and market changes is not easy for someone who has been in the industry for years, but those who really want to turn their corporate image around will know that digital marketing offers a positive and competitive corporate image.
Allows for research
The Internet provides companies with a wealth of information that can be of great value. That is why it allows you to research the industrial sector or the sector you want to target and the users that interest you or are compatible with your company.
Allows messages to be personalised
Gracias a conocer a los usuarios permite realizar envíos personalizados tanto a clientes, como a clientes potenciales.
Brand visibility
Having your brand on the internet and having a website or social network will help you to have a longer and more secure visibility. Your users will have more confidence in your industrial company and you will have the possibility of gaining new leads.
Minimising costs
The costs generated are affordable for the user, otherwise it would not be profitable to use this platform. In online advertising you can afford to do it for free, reaching a limited target audience, or you can pay for it, reaching an unlimited target audience.
Permanent presence
By having your information on the network, the user has unlimited and non-invasive access to it.
Measuring results more accurately
Thanks to digital marketing you can obtain the opinions and tastes of your customers by interacting with them online.
Highest percentage of income
You will be able to increase your revenue percentage by excluding irrelevant graphics, and it will also help you to stop using your budget on searches that don't make money for your business.
Be aware of your competition
Using some digital tools you can spy on your competitors without them noticing.
At BCM Marketing we have been adapting to the changes in these 25 years of experience. That is why we know the tools and strategies to get the most out of your digital marketing strategy. To find out more, get in touch with us.