Eight reasons why SEM is a great B2B strategy
Often, industrial and B2B businesses think that search engine advertising (SEM) won’t work for them because their buying cycle is too long and their target audience is too small.
Nevertheless, search engine marketing can be an ideal solution, placing your message in the right place and moment, when your customer is trying to find you or needs your know-how, solutions and products. It provides value both to the brand and its user.
1. The perfect audience
Search engine advertising allows a precise segmentation of the audience to impact only your target.
2. The message - distribution
Your content will be immediately visible for your audience.
3. Reports
Many companies have problems calculating the ROI, but SEM campaign automatically generate a return of investment report. No matter which channel you choose, you’ll have plenty of metrics to calculate the results obtained by the different ads and campaigns.
4. Flexibility of the message
You have a real time report of the results obtained by the different ads, so that you can immediately optimize the texts, the keywords, the landing page, do A/B testing, etc. The optimization is continuous and never ends.
5. Cost-efectiveness
The investment in SEM can start with very tight budgets. If there’s no clic, there’s no cost. So it’s always possible to optimize the campaign. It is essential to choose the right keywords to avoid getting clicks that you’ll have to pay but won’t translate into sales.
6. User friendly
The public increasingly distrusts ads and avoids them. That’s why for example Google inserts them among the organic results with hardly any sign identifying them.
7. SEM in a global content marketing strategy
B2B transactions are not of the “click to buy” type. In order to obtain benefits from our SEM investment in a long sales cycle, you must focus on directing the paid traffic to your lead nurturing (enllaç al post corresponent) funnel. Of course, any campaign must point to a lading page with a clear call to action that allows you to identify and contact the new lead.
8. Protect your brand
If you don’t invest in SEM but your competitors do, their paid results will appear before your website even when someone searchs your brand name. No matter how good your SEO is.
Moreover, with a SEM campaign we can send the users to a landing page where we can optimize their contact with us and maximize the chances of conversion.
Do you want to promote your business with search engine marketing campaign? Please request a non-binding estimate. We at BCM Marketing will advise you on anything you need. We share our 25 years of experience in our blog and with our customers.